

她上次摔得著實不輕, 我趕到醫院時看見她一臉的血, 傷口很深, 肉都翻了出來, 不幸中之大幸, 是沒有傷著筋骨, 將養了個多星期, 拆了線, 不仔細看看不出來. 
我們嚇破了膽, 仔細照料她的傷口, 她倒沒事人一樣, 完全不把傷勢當一回事. 
有些傷會痊癒, 有些永不, 那也是無可奈何的事.


review & outlook

2008 sucked.
was wondering if 2009 would be different.
then thrid day into the new year mom made a trip to emergency room again.
this time she fell on her face. sustained some nasty scratches and cuts to the face. she got 4 stitches on her upper lip. it breaks my heart every time i see those stitches and scratches and i just couldn't take my eyes off them.
this shouldn't have happened. should be more careful and vigilant.
when you thought things couldn't get any worse, they could.