500 Days of Summer 是一齣出色的愛情小品,故事本身沒甚麼特別,就像是你我他人生中的某個片段,可是拍得不落俗套,可愛之處在於情節編排及對白流露出的幽默感與小聰明,令整齣電影從頭到尾都清新動人。
Official trailer
(spoiler alert!)
兩個主角都十分討好迷人。Tom 是個羅曼蒂克的傻小子,偏偏 Summer 根本不相信愛情,行事只憑感覺,遊戲人間,令為她傾倒的 Tom 吃盡苦頭。
S: No I'm not a lesbian. I just don't feel comfortable being anyone's girlfriend. I don't actually feel comfortable being anyone's anything.
T: What happens when you fall in love?
S: You don't believe in that, do you?
T: What? It's love, not Santa Claus.
兩人截然不同的愛情觀,以及 Summer 若即若離的態度,令 Tom 深深體會到戀愛令人一時置身天堂一時如在地獄的滋味。
看到中途,被可愛的 Tom 打動了,心中暗暗代他向 Summer 求饒:請你行行好不要令他傷心好嗎?但於事無補,Summer 不見得沒有受 Tom 感染向他的信念靠攏,只是他並不是她那杯茶。兩人別後重逢,Tom 仍是不明白 Summer 的想法。
T: I don't get it. You didn't want to be anybody's girlfriend. Now you are someone's wife.
S: I woke up one morning I just knew it.
T: Knew what?
S: What I was never sure of with you.
Tom 無言以對,面容慘淡,過了一會說 - You know what sucks? Realizing that everything you believe in is complete bullshit.
但 Summer 說她不同意,說她後來相信 Tom 所說的緣份了,說她與丈夫的相遇是命中注定 - it just wasn't me that you were right about.
其中一幕,Tom 與 Summer 在傢具店嬉戲:
另一幕,Tom 得到心上人,如沐春風,就在上班途中跳起舞來:
熱切期待 DVD 推出之日。暫且買來 soundtrack 止渴。全碟最喜歡的並非訴說願與心上人同年同月同日死的the Smiths 而是 Feist 的 Mushaboom.
Helping the kids out of their coats
But wait the babies haven't been born oh
Unpacking the bags and setting up
And planting lilacs and buttercups oh
But in the meantime we've got it hard
Second floor living without a yard
It may be years until the day
My dreams will match up with my pay
Old dirt road
Knee deep snow
Watching the fire as we grow old
I got a man to stick it out
And make a home from a rented house
And we'll collect the moments one by one
I guess that's how the future's done
How many acres, how much light
Tucked in the woods and out of sight
Talk to the neighbours and tip my cap
On a little road barely on the map...